Mercury’s (बुध ग्रह) path to these 4 zodiac signs will be inauspicious, will have such an effect.
Mercury has been in Libra since November 3. Mercury will remain in this zodiac sign till November 28. Direct movement in this zodiac sign of Mercury has auspicious and ominous effects on all zodiac signs. Some zodiac natives need to be careful during this period. Mercury’s path will be inauspicious for people of these zodiac signs. Find out which zodiac sign people should be careful about during this period.
Mercury’s path can cause some business stress. There is also the possibility of financial loss. Do not lend more money to anyone else, otherwise it will be difficult to provide money for your own business at the right time. Don’t get into unnecessary arguments.
Concerns about children will increase. It will take a lot of hard work for the students to succeed. In a love affair, there may be a disagreement with the partner, it seems necessary to take care of the boyfriend’s feelings. You have to be very careful financially at this time, otherwise there is a possibility of drowning money.
The amount of expenditure will increase drastically. Don’t be careless about health. More money will be spent on wedding or manglik ceremony. The ratio of income to expenditure will be equal. The more you earn, the more you spend. So, avoid wastage. There is no special time for the students.
Be careful about health. Stomach, skin and heart problems can plague. Any unpleasant news and family quarrels will increase mental anxiety. Time is not favorable in the field. It would be better not to do any important work and decision at this time.