Dhanteras 2077: Buy such items according to your zodiac sign, luck will shine!
This year, Lakshmi is worshiped on the 29th of Kartik, i.e. 14th November. Dhanteras or Dhan Triodashi is celebrated before Lakshmi Puja. According to Hinduism, Dhanteras of Triodashi of Krishna’s side is celebrated every year in the month of Kartik.
Dhanteras comes one day before the beginning of the festival. On this day, Lord Dhanvantari, the god of wealth, is worshiped. Gold, silver and rent are bought during Dhanteras. Dhanteras has fallen on the 28th of Kartik this year.
On the day of Dhanteras, according to your zodiac sign, buy these things:
Aries: You can buy gold coins or jewelry, electrical or electronic devices, mobiles, TVs, etc. Donate red fruit.
Taurus: You can buy gold coins, other educational tools like laptops or computers.
Gemini: You can buy food items, mixtures or vessels.
Cancer: It will be very auspicious to buy a fridge, silverware, pearl necklace or ring, house or car.
Leo: Buying goods made of gold will increase wealth.
Virgo: Buy a new mobile, internet connection, TV and communication equipment, steel fare, etc. Don’t buy credit cards or loans.
Libra: Invest in silverware, perfume, and real estate. Money will be received from all sides.
Scorpio: Buy electronic goods. Red color will be good. Rent copper, buy decoration items.
Sagittarius: Buy an idol of Lakshmi and place it in a place of worship.
Capricorn: You will get something from the property. If you are renting a vehicle, electronic goods or home utensils, buy black.
Aquarius: Buy an iron frying pan, cooker, car, fridge, TV, etc. in black, blue or gray.
Pisces: Buy copper utensils.