Lakshmi Puja is being celebrated on the evening of Kartik Krishna Aunsi today, contrary to the Lakshmi Puja scriptures on november 15.
Today, on the evening of Kartik Krishna Aunsi, the third day of Yamapanchak, Lakshmi Puja festival is being celebrated with devotion and devotion to Goddess Lakshmi. On the basis of the belief that Laxmi does not live in a clean and untidy house, this morning Laxmi is invited to clean the house and cover it with cow dung and red clay and celebrate Diwali.
Today, Diwali is celebrated by cleaning windows, doors, roofs, rooms, porches, attics, porches and other places. This evening, for the worship of Sukharatri, Lakshmi is established from the courtyard through the main door to the worship room, covered with cow dung and red mata, rice flour and Abir shows the way to Lakshmi by following in her footsteps. Lamps are made by lighting lamps on banana twigs or clay pots step by step. Nowadays, the practice of lighting candles in place of lamps is on the rise.
After Diwali, Lakshmi is worshiped in the worship room with diyas, urns and offerings of Ganesha, ornaments, money, paddy, rice, fruits, celeriac and flowers. After Lakshmi Puja, it is customary to worship Kanya and her daughter as a symbol of Lakshmi and give them Dakshina. Today, after worshiping Lakshmi at home, there is a religious belief that Lakshmi goes out if she sends money or other things out of the house.
According to Prof. Dr. Ram Chandra Gautam, Chairman of the Nepal Panchang Adjudicating Committee, there is a classical method of performing Lakshmi Puja in the evening and in the middle of the night, the women of the house take off their clothes and wish Alakshmi Bhago, Lakshmi and Dhanadhanya to arrive.
This evening, young women play ball in groups from house to house. Lord Vishnu had given the gift of ruling the three worlds of heaven, earth and hell for five days of Yamapanchaka to Baliraja. Bhailo is played in remembrance of the gifted Baliraja singing from house to house for good. He also said that the word ‘be good’ has been corrupted in time.
Today, those who come to play ball are given paddy, rice, flowers, money and celeriac. There is a religious belief that the donation given to those who come to play ball is not a good gift and if given, it will be good.
On the occasion of Lakshmi Puja, Diwali is celebrated in the city bazaar today. According to the tradition, cow worship is practiced somewhere this morning. According to the scriptures, cow worship should be done only after Kartik Shukla Pratipada after Aunsi, said theologian Gautam.
Contrary to Lakshmi Puja scriptures on November 15
Committee member Kirtimadan Joshi informed that some groups have been campaigning to celebrate Laxmi Puja on november 15 this year. “Some groups have tried to establish unscientific beliefs on religious issues in order to achieve political objectives. The dates have been changed before 2066 BS, 2067 BS, 2076 BS and even before that.
Member Joshi has requested to see the dates of Laxmi Puja, Atma (Mha) Puja and Bhaiti celebrations as the call was not even in line with the old calendar. He has accused the politicians of trying to confuse the society by deciding on the festival.
He said that the decision of the festival made against theology and astrology would not be accepted. Accordingly, committee member Joshi suggests that those calling for the celebration of Chad should count the calendar and make it public.
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