This time, Bhaitika’s best day is on November 16
The adjudicating committee of Nepal Panchang has given the best site of this year’s Bhaitika at 11:37 am. Even though there is no obstacle to vaccinate in the afternoon on November 16, those who are looking for a site have been given the auspicious site of Capricorn, Taurus, New Moon and Abhijit Muhurat. Yamapanchak starts from 12 november.
From that day onwards, Yamadeep donations are started. The Crow Festival falls on november 13. Similarly, Dhanwantari Jayanti, Dhan Triodashi and Dhanteras festivals are also celebrated on the same day. The committee has stated that the decision has been taken according to the scriptures as Kartik Krishna Chaturdashi and Aunsi will be held till 1:49 pm. There is a scriptural saying to worship Lakshmi in the evening on the day of Aunshi Tithi. The bath and donation will be done on the morning of november 15.
Cow, bull and self (Mha) worship is to be done on the 15th of november . It is mentioned in the book called ‘Krityavatika’ that one should worship oneself in the evening of Kartik Shukla Pratipada. After that, since Kartik Shukla Pratipada begins, Mhapuja has to be performed on this day. Mhapuja is a tradition performed especially by the Newar community of Nepal. The three calendars (panchangs) approved by the committee are published by the panchangkars of the Newar community. Siddhilakshmi Byanjankar, Kirti Kiran Joshi and Shashidhar Joshi, Panchangkars of the Newar community have also mentioned the subject of Mhapuja on november 15 in their Panchang (calendar).
The committee has also stated that the Nepali new year should be celebrated on the day of Bhaitika according to the Nepal Samvat this year. Chairman Gautam said that the decision was taken as per the scriptural promise to celebrate the New Year on the day of sunrise. From this day, Nepal Year 1141 begins. According to the classical method, Bhai Puja or Kija Puja is also celebrated on the 1st of Mangsir. The second date is only till 7:04 am on November 17. According to the scriptures, bhaitika is done at noon. Therefore, the committee is of the view that it will be scriptural to celebrate Bhaiti on November 16.
Some groups of the Newar community had made public the news of the vaccination on November 17. The committee has stated that it is not in accordance with the scriptures even though some people have said that they should not vaccinate their brother due to the disease in November. According to Gautam, the word “brotherhood” is mentioned in the scriptures and the word refers to both the brothers.
In the festival, Yamadeep is donated from the evening of Kartik Krishna Triodashi to the evening of Kartik Shukla Dwitiya. Donation of Yamdeep is done by pronouncing the name based on the number of families. There is a classical belief that if Yamdeep is donated on this occasion, one can be saved from Yamayatana torture.