Jupiter has changed the zodiac sign, avoid such ominous effects such measures!
Jupiter is considered to be the factor of knowledge and offspring. Guru is considered high in Cancer and Capricorn is considered low. On November 20, that is, today at 1:20 pm, Jupiter has entered his lower sign Capricorn. Saturn already exists in Capricorn. The combination of Saturn and Jupiter in this zodiac sign can give unexpected results. This appearance of the Guru has auspicious and ominous effects on all the zodiac signs. In astrology, measures are given to avoid the ill effects of Jupiter’s zodiac change. These measures are as follows:
To strengthen the Jupiter planet in the horoscope and to avoid the ominous effects of the Guru’s appearance, you should chant the Om Brih Brishte Namah Mantra 10 times during the Thursday worship
Jupiter is pleased to worship Lord Vishnu. Therefore, recite Vishnu Sahasranama regularly to avoid the ominous influence of Guru Gochar. This measure strengthens the position of the Guru in your horoscope.
Chant the rosary of Om Bhagwate Vasudeva Nama Mantra daily to please Devguru Jupiter. Also, if possible, offer yellow fruit to Lord Vishnu and distribute it as an offering.
Tilak turmeric and sandalwood after worshiping Lord Vishnu to avoid the guilt of Jupiter. Do it before you go out and do any good deeds, you will succeed.
Listen to the story of Lord Satyanarayana on every full moon day to please Jupiter. Also, worship Lord Vishnu specially every day and offer bananas.
To please Devguru, donate lentils, turmeric, yellow cloth, gram flour laddu etc. to a worthy Brahmin and give water to a banana tree on Thursday.