Husband and wife should do these things every morning for the happiness and peace of the home
If there is a lack of love between husband and wife and if there is no understanding in some matters, quarrels will increase in the house. Sometimes there are fights between husband and wife over small things. Laughter can also cause a rift in a relationship. Therefore, for the happiness, peace and prosperity of the home, it is necessary to have love and harmony between husband and wife. According to Dr. Diksha Rathi, an astrologer from India, there are some essential things that a husband should do in the morning to keep happiness and prosperity at home.
Let’s find out
Putting vermilion on wife
Every married husband and wife should get up early. When a husband puts vermilion on his wife’s seam after bathing, love between husband and wife grows.
Every Friday, when the husband gives the wife a fragrant flower as a gift, the love between the husband and wife grows and the dispute goes away.
Wearing tilak
It is considered auspicious for a husband to wear a yellow tilak on his forehead with his wife to maintain happiness and peace at home.
To worship
It is considered best to worship Mother Parvati along with Shivalinga every morning to maintain peace and happiness at home. We should not forget to offer vermilion to the Goddess Mother in worship.
Keep the bedroom clean
Keeping the bedroom clean also increases the love between husband and wife. Putting a beautiful picture of Radha Krishna in the bedroom increases love. And it is considered auspicious to always lay the same blanket in the sleeping bed.