Making money is not the only big thing. There is no point in earning money if you cannot save according to what you have earned. Today we are discussing which part of the house according to the zodiac sign brings prosperity and prosperity.
- Aries: It is considered best to keep money on the west side of the house. It is considered very good to keep an iron ring in the place of keeping money and to transact money in the evening
- Taurus: Should be placed on the east side of the house. Some gold or brass should be kept in the place where the money is kept. Don’t do money transactions in the evening.
- Gemini: Place money on the north side of the house. Keep some copper items in the place of wealth and do not transact money on Tuesdays.
- Cancer: It is better to keep money in the east-south direction of the house. Put some silverware in the place where the money is kept. Do not place any black goods in the place where the money is kept.
- Leo: Make a place to keep money on the east side of the house. Put some bronze items in the place where the money is kept.
- Virgo: It is better to keep money on the south-west side of the house. Put some silver or zinc in that place. There should be good lighting in the place where the money is kept.
- Libra: Make a place to keep money on the south side of the house. Do not forget to place red cloth or any copper object in the place where the money is kept. Keep the money bright.
- Scorpio: Place money on the north-west side of the house. Put green food soup wrapped in green cloth in that place and change this soup every month.
- Sagittarius: The best place to keep money is on the south-east side of the house. Place a silver coin in the white cloth.
Capricorn: Make a place to keep money on the north side. Put a small picture of Kuber in the place where the money is kept. Don’t forget to put gold in the place where the money is kept
Aquarius: The best place to keep money is in the east. Place a gold or brass object on a yellow cloth. Do not transact money in the morning.
Pisces: It is considered best to keep money on the west side of the house. Some iron objects or iron coins should be kept in that place. Organize the storage space.
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