There are only a few days left for 2021 to come. New Year’s astrological calculations have a special significance from the astrological point of view. Today we will give you an analysis of the effects of the slowest move and the visible and astrological vision of the karmic giver Shanidev in 2021. In astrology, Saturn’s zodiac change, Saturn’s halves, Saturn’s shadow and Saturn’s continent have special significance. Saturn is considered the god of justice. It bears fruit according to man’s deeds. Saturn moves from one zodiac sign to another at intervals of two and a half years. In this case, no sign of Saturn will change in 2021.
Saturn will be in the year 2021 in Swarashi i.e. Capricorn. In 2021, Saturn will constellate instead of changing the zodiac. This means that Saturn will leave its mark on man based on the constellations throughout the year 2021. Saturn’s Sun constellation will be in Uttarashadha at the beginning of 2021 and will enter Shravan constellation on January 22. Shravan constellation will be dominated by Chandradev.
Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius will have Saturn in the year 2021
When Saturn appears in a zodiac sign, Saturn exists in that zodiac sign for two and a half years. Saturn has an effect on the previous and last zodiac sign of the zodiac in which Saturn appears. Thus the influence of Saturn in a zodiac sign lasts for seven and a half years. This period of seven and a half years is called Saturn’s half year.
Saturn’s shadow in Gemini and Libra in 2021
Saturn’s shadow comes in one zodiac sign for seven and a half years and in another for 16 years. Saturn’s shadow is from the first to the fourth and from the last to the sixth.
- Aries– At the beginning of 2021, Shanidev will be in Uttarashadha constellation, due to which you will get mixed results throughout the year. Shanidev will live in your tenth house.
- Taurus– Saturn will be present throughout the year in the ninth sign of your zodiac sign. Good news will be received. Your financial position will be stronger in 2021.
- Gemini– Saturn will appear in the constellation Uttarashadha and will be the eighth sign of your zodiac sign. Success will come only after hard work. Mental stress can increase.
- Cancer– Trade is likely to be profitable. There is also the possibility of a long journey. L You can take advantage of in-laws.
- Leo– Saturn will be in the seventh house of your zodiac sign. This year the enemy will dominate. Health may deteriorate. In legal matters, the decision is likely to be in your favor.
- Virgo– In 2021, Saturn will be in the fifth house throughout the year. There is a possibility of financial gain. The economic situation will remain good. This year will be very favorable for the students.
- Libra– Respect will increase. Income will increase. There may be some problems in married life. Family life will be happy. Scorpio- Employees will benefit. Work that has been suspended this year will be completed. Income will increase.
- Sagittarius– Saturn will be present throughout the year in the second sign of your zodiac. The government sector is likely to benefit. Fortune favors you throughout the year.
- Capricorn– Saturn will be in the first sign of the zodiac. This amount will be tolerated throughout the year. There is a possibility of benefiting from ancestral property.
- Aquarius– Expenses will increase. Family life will be full of ups and downs. You can travel far somewhere. Pisces- Saturn will be in the eleventh sign of your zodiac throughout the year. There will be a good opportunity to gain money. Income will increase and work will be successful.