Your financial situation will be much stronger this year. But your financial situation will be a bit weak. Don’t spend unnecessarily. Avoid investing in the stock market at this time. There may be financial help from somewhere or there is a possibility of getting benefit from ancestral property. This is the best time to invest in a business. At the beginning of the year, there will be various new opportunities in the field. Avoid getting a loan in the middle of the year. Be especially careful in the field from May. The work at hand is also likely to be missed. Don’t try for a new job until October.
This year will be normal when it comes to family life. Each issue will be discussed among family members. The support of parents will always be there. Relationships between family members will be better than before. Religious programs will be organized at home from time to time.
Also read: Mandatory recitation of Shiva Mantra after worship, See how to learn.Many of us have heard a mantra of Lord Shiva. Karpurgauram Karunavataram Sansarasaram Bhujgendraharam Sada Vasantam Hridayarvinde Bhavan Bhavani Sahitam Namami. It means: Always dwell in my heart and bless me with Lord Shiva Mata Parvati, the incarnation of compassion and kindness, the essence of the world and the garland of serpents, white in color like Kapoor. The glory of this mantra is wonderful. The chanting of any mantra is done to please a particular deity. This mantra of Shiva is also chanted for the same purpose. Wherever you chant this mantra of God, coolness arises in the mind. Of course, you don’t have to do big rituals to please Mahadev Bholanath. Shivaji is pleased with a lot of cool water, bel leaves and mantra japa.
This verse was first recited by Lord Vishnu at the wedding of Shiva Parvati. It discusses the great divine form of Lord Shiva. After chanting it, the worship is successful and the devotee gets the desired fruit.When praising Shiva, the mind should be at peace. God does not like any pretense. Bholenath can be remembered at any time with calmness. Simple Lord Shiva is worshiped with equal reverence by both gods and demons.