Our politics, economy, social policy, education policy, religion policy and way of life are also getting corrupted due to various conspiracies of the westerners who want to establish their very weak religious and cultural side on a global scale by increasing the military and economic force. In the West, our so-called intellectuals, influenced by education, temptation and horror, are also trying to disrespect, ridicule and eradicate our original Vedic ideas and systems by misrepresenting our original Vedic ideas and systems.
Even if we talk about Vedas, Smriti, Puranas, etc. in the name of our scriptures in the public media, they are often misrepresented by such people. It does not contain references to the original sentence or its place in the context of any established authentic text. An example of this is Sujit Mainali’s article published in the same daily on Saturday, December 20 under the headline ‘Varnaavyastha: Yonimathiko Ankush’. The publisher of the factual situation against such a misleading presentation cannot get a place if any work is sent for publication in those public media. Even if a fictitious place is found, unjust cuts are made in the name of editing, the main evidence and its landmarks are blown up. However, here is a brief discussion of the two or three allegations against our religion and culture.
The meaning of VedasThe Vedas are the most ancient, well-organized and definite literature of India. The Vedas are considered to be the eternal voice of God. Sages are just magicians. Memories such as Manusmriti etc. are enshrined in the Vedas and are accepted as expositional texts on favorable and unfavorable subjects of the Vedas. Following the Shruti Veda is the main feature of Smriti. The Puranas-Ramayana-Mahabharatas are also composed to confirm the Vedas by sub-declaring explanations, explanations, etc.). These Shruti-Smriti-Puranas are the scriptures of Vedic Sanatan Varnashram Dharma.
Vedadashastra is the ultimate light that frees human beings from their innate diet-sleepy animalistic endeavors by directing them towards the ultimate welfare great purpose, engaging them in the corresponding tendency and inspiring them to move forward on the path of sadhana and guiding the way and arranging for public welfare. If scripture is an eternal law with wide application, then the constitution-rules-rules made by a ruler or a group of rulers are only rules of immediate use based on balance of power and circumstances.
The meaning of the Vedic sentences should not be construed as contrary to the case. In this regard, the commentator Yask, about three thousand years ago, taught those who seek to understand the meaning of the Vedas to be cautious, saying, “Neither the separation of mantras should be done separately from the case, nor should you be done according to the case.” He also said that education, kalpa, grammar, nirukta, chhand and astrology are the only six Vedangas that can help people understand the meaning of the Vedas today (Nirukta 1.6.5). Therefore, one should try to understand the meanings of the mantras recited by the ancient Acharyas like Skandaswamy, Venkatmadhav, Sayan etc. even on the basis of the above Vedangas. The rational person should not be foolish enough to evaluate the mantras of the Vedas on the basis of today’s biased and misleading translations and interpretations.
The duty of a BrahminIt is considered a special duty of Brahmins to follow these scriptures. According to the scriptures, Brahmaji has given the Brahmins the right to make a living by reciting the Vedas, performing Yajnas and even taking alms in order to protect the Vedas and to observe the virtues taught by the Vedas. Therefore, the Brahmins who follow this religion pay special attention to the study, understanding, conduct and propagation of the Vedas.
In the scriptures, there is a provision of virtue and penance that a Brahmin should follow for life. It is not possible for an ordinary person to lead such a warm life. With the gradual development of innumerable sciences like education, grammar, niruktashastra, prosody, literature, ayurveda, yoga, ethics, economics, tantrashastra etc., the Brahmins have risen above greed on the basis of renunciation and penance and left thousands of texts in those genres which are still available. He is also being studied and researched all over the world.
The discussion of Brahmanism also seems to have been done with the aim of increasing hatred, intolerance and intolerance towards Brahmins and spreading misleading things. The main conspiracy of the westerners is to spread disbelief towards the Brahmins who are burning the lamp of character consciousness in the eastern society.
Chaturvarnya-societyChaturvarnya society has been going on in India since prehistoric times. Such a society has not been forcibly created by Brahmins. Due to its internal qualities, this Chaturvarna-society has been facing many ups and downs and has continued in some form till today. In order to maintain their colony in India, the British had also conspired to create an internal rift in the Indian society and to provoke mutual opposition between the four castes.
The education system they run and the writers they sponsor seem to have worked to provoke mutual opposition in the Indian Chaturvarna-Samaj. Any society needs diverse manpower. The creation of the four characters has been done from time immemorial to advance and stabilize the division of religious and social work in an orderly manner.
Vedic religion and womenSome people seem to think that all the rules of Vedic religion control women and leave men free. If a woman has intercourse with a heterosexual person, she will be considered immoral, but if a man has intercourse with a prostitute, it will not be considered as such. Theology provides for the discipline of both men and women.
Therefore, the scriptures do not give exemption to men either. The scriptures have made many rules or regulations to make a man virtuous or virtuous, which does not seem to be discussed much. There is no such thing as a male adulterer committing adultery (if not a female adulteress), as in the case of King Ashwapati’s statement: ‘Thieves, miserly, drunken bi-races in my country, bi-races without fire’, uneducated people, and prostitutes. No, and where does an adulterous woman come from? ‘It is also clear from the words of Chhandogyopanishad (5.11.5):
न मे स्तेनो जनपदे न कदर्यो न मद्यपः ।
नाऽनाहिताग्निर्नाऽविद्वान् न स्वैरी स्वैरिणी कुतः ।।
Just as the virtues of widowhood are mentioned in many scriptures for women, so too for men, it is strongly instructed to remain in celibacy or monogamy by strongly condemning the act of adultery and adultery and punishing them severely. There does not seem to be much discussion about the necessity and justification of the scriptures being more rigid towards men than on women. Theology has made provision for men to be sentenced to death for serious crimes. In the same way, it is found in the scriptures that a woman commits less sin but a man commits more sin. Considering the above and many other things, the sages and monks who want the ultimate welfare of all have not been able to assess the folk-welfare-feeling of the code of conduct, considering only the subtler side, and only the materialistic point of view. It is not wise to try to criticize the Scriptures on the basis of mere words.
Our original scriptures are not written to prove one’s petty selfishness from the common man, they are written for the welfare of the people by reflecting the eternal status of the people from the philosophical sages. The sages and sages who make theology are not like the selfish human beings suffering from today’s rage, hatred, greed, lust, work, anger, etc.
Everyone should also pay attention to the fact that Kanad Muni in his special philosophy has identified religion as an element of worldly progress and the realization of salvation. It should not be forgotten when talking about religion. Only through serious study and contemplation can the public welfare spirit inherent in theology be understood. It is not appropriate to take the Vedic scriptures lightly, to read and read the original texts without understanding the meaning, to be confused or to spread confusion and to write and preach.