Until Kumbh started in Nepal, thousands of people from Nepal used to go to Nashik, Ujjain, Prayag and Haridwar for Kumbh bath/snan. Kumbh Mela has been held grandly in Nepal since 21 years after it was confirmed that not only a drop of nectar fell in those four places in India during Samundra Manthan. It was proved that the upper layer of nectar fell on Chatara.
So the question here is, ” If the places where only the drop of nectar fell could be accepted for Kumbh Mela then Why not Chatara? where the whole upper layer of nectar fell.”
Starting kumbh in Nepal was not that easy. It was one of the most challenging task that finally became fruitful after the study of different purans and evidence mentioned in hindu religious books. The contribution of Respected “Jagatguru Baalsanta Mohan Sharan Devacharya Ji Maharaj” in collecting evidence from different purans and holy books for starting kumbh in Chatara is really remarkable and historic.

Bathing is the biggest factor in Kumbh. It’s importance lies in bathing. Lord Brahma, Vishnu, Indra and Manu Maharaj bathed in the water. Therefore, the first main reason to attend Kumbh is – Mahasnan, The Holy Bath. There are 3 main baths in Kumbha. The first one is the day when Lord Vishnu bathed, then Lord Brahma and the day when Lord Indra bathed.

The first goal of Kumbh Mela is Kumbh Snan. Second, the darshan of Sadhusanta in Kumbh. Saints are who introduced God in earth. Thirdly, Yajna/Yagya is performed to God for happiness in this world. Worship of Yagya Purusha is very important. It is believed that for a month the deities of Devloka leave their respective place and resides in the bank of the Kaushiki river. Thus, it is best for everyone to observe Kalpavas for a month after having food one time, take Kaushiki bath and worship their favorite deity.
Chanting mantras, worshipping your ista, performing religious rituals, darshan of saints, bathing in Kumbh and sadhana/upasana are very important in Kumbh. The three main Kumbh bath this year falls on Baisakh 1, 11 and 26 respectively.
First bath: April 13 (Baisakh 1)
Second bath: April 23 (Baisakh 11)
Third bath: May 8 (Baisakh 26)