Every 12 years, a full Mahakumbh takes place at Chatara in Sunsari, located in the eastern part of Nepal. This Kumbh Mela takes place on the banks of the Kaushiki River, Baraha Chhetra. The Kumbh started in Nepal since 2059 B.S. Here, Ardha Kumbha occurs in 6 years and full (Purna) Kumbha in 12 years. Purna Kumbh i.e. Maha Kumbh is starting for a […]
Category: Bhagwan Brahma
People who have mole in these parts of the body are very lucky
People who have mole in these parts of the body are very lucky Kothi/Til (mole) is the sign of any kind of birth or life span in the body. The branch of Indian astrology in oceanography analyzes the future of a person on the basis of the sign in the body. This sign found in the body says a lot about our future and […]
ब्रह्मा की पूजा कहीं भी क्यों नहीं की जाती?
ब्रह्मा, के बारे में कहा जाता है कि उन्होंने सभी प्रकार के प्राणियों का निर्माण किया है – देवता, दानव और पुरुष अपने शरीर से। उसके चार सिर हैं जो चार वेदों के प्रतीक हैं। शुरू में उनके पाँच सिर थे, जिनमें से एक को भगवान शिव ने गुस्से में काट दिया था। जबकि उनके विभिन्न रूपों में सभी देवताओं की पूजा व्यापक रूप […]