Mercury’s (बुध ग्रह) path to these 4 zodiac signs will be inauspicious, will have such an effect. Mercury has been in Libra since November 3. Mercury will remain in this zodiac sign till November 28. Direct movement in this zodiac sign of Mercury has auspicious and ominous effects on all zodiac signs. Some zodiac natives need to be careful during this period. Mercury’s path […]
Day: November 8, 2020
What is Pradosha Vrat and how did it started.
It is a matter of ancient times. A Baishya named Shivadhan lived in a city. They lived a luxurious life because of their material comforts. His wealth and splendor could not be compared to anyone else in that city. Sahuji was very kind. No one had to return empty-handed. He used to send whatever he wanted by providing it. The Pradosha vows in the […]
Which 4 Zodiac signs are dear to Hanuman Ji?
These 4 zodiac signs are dear to Hanuman ji, fulfills every wish! These 4 zodiac signs are considered to be the most beloved zodiac sign of Bajrangbali Hanuman ji. People of these zodiac signs have the special grace of Hanuman ji, and every wish of these people is fulfilled. Cancer: People with Cancer zodiac have the special grace of Hamuman ji. Unemployed people will […]
What should a person with which zodiac sign do or not do? What are the benefits?
What should a person with which zodiac sign do or not do? What are the benefits? Aries: Aries is the first sign of space which is owned by Mars and its nature is like fire. Mars is considered by astrologers as a general. So Aries people are successful in areas where the military, the police, and a large amount of energy are needed. Doctors, […]
Today’s Horoscope. Karthik 23. November 8.
Today’s calendar Today is Sunday, November 23, 2077. The Sun is in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth. Autumn is running. According to Chandraman, Karthik Krishna Paksha is running. According to Sauraman, today will be the eighth date of Karthik Krishnapaksha. Today there will be auspiciousness in Ashlesha Nakshatra, Vishkumbhadi Yoga, Balab in Karan, Vajra in Anandadi Yoga. The Sun will be in Libra […]
If you want happiness in your family. Do these 8 things.
If you always want happiness and peace in your family, do it. 1. Worshiping a picture or idol of a deity regularly at a place of worship or a temple at home destroys the architectural defects and creates positive energy. 2. Special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the house. When garbage accumulates in the house, it creates negative energy. 3. You […]