People take various measures to please Lakshmi Mata, the goddess of wealth. There is also a belief that worshiping and adoring Mahalaxmi will bring wealth and prosperity. According to Hinduism, if you are able to please Goddess Lakshmi and attract her to your home, wealth and prosperity will never leave you. Goddess Lakshmi is considered as the goddess of wealth, fortune, love and beauty. […]
Day: December 9, 2020
Today’s Horoscope. 25 Mangsir, 2077. December 10, 2020.
Today’s Horoscope. 25 Mangsir, 2077. December 10, 2020. Aries – Chu, Che, Cho, La, Li, Lu, Le, Lo, A Your day will be profitable from an economic and business point of view. There will be financial benefits. Business is likely to expand. Health will remain good. It seems to be the sum of the journey. Will be interested in religious work. Happy time with […]
5 things not to do on Thursday
5 things not to do on Thursday According to astrology, worshiping Jupiter on Thursdays is believed to bring happy family life, education, knowledge and wealth. According to the scriptures, some works are forbidden on Thursdays. There are some things that are not considered appropriate for Jupiter to do on Thursday. How can you make your thursday a good day? 1. Before the sun rises, […]
A man’s fortune shines when he marries woman with these qualities.
A man’s fortune shines when he marries woman with these qualities. It is written in Samundra Shastra that a man who associates with a girl with the following qualities is very lucky. It is written in this scripture that the destiny of every man is revealed when such a Kanya enters the house after marriage and Lakshmi resides in the house. 1. If there […]
Do these 9 things at the right time to grow the height of your child.
Do these 9 things at the right time to grow the height of your child. Various studies have shown that the problem of obesity has recently increased due to unhealthy eating habits. Most of us have been using jung food for convenience, whether we are visiting a guest or welcoming a guest. Children who are accustomed to eating junk food do not like to […]
Importance and benefits of conch shell.
In Hinduism, playing conch shell on the occasion of every Manglik work is considered very sacred and auspicious. Along with this, there are many scientific benefits too, which are attained spontaneously by a conch shell player. If the day starts with the sound of a conch, then the day goes very well. Importance and benefits of conch. 1) If the mother is fed with […]
The life of a person of these 5 zodiac signs will never be short of money
According to astrology, every zodiac sign has certain characteristics. Some zodiac signs are considered extremely lucky while some zodiac people are facing problems at any time. Some zodiac people are forced to face financial problems for life while some zodiac people have no financial problems. These 5 zodiac people never have financial deprivation अभाव. Taurus: According to the scriptures, Taurus people are very lucky […]
In which direction should you keep your wealth in order to make more?
Making money is not the only big thing. There is no point in earning money if you cannot save according to what you have earned. Today we are discussing which part of the house according to the zodiac sign brings prosperity and prosperity. Aries: It is considered best to keep money on the west side of the house. It is considered very good to […]
Effective treatment of cough can be done at home.
Coughing is an excellent and natural reflex action that helps to clear the airways. It is usually temporary and heals after removing unnecessary particles from the throat. However, persistent coughing can interfere with daily activities and prevent you from sleeping through the night. Coughing can be caused by allergens, pollen, dust, smoke or pollution. And it is more likely to get worse in winter. […]