सर्वदेवात्मको रुद्र: सर्वे देवा: शिवात्मका:। रुद्रात्प्रवर्तते बीजं बीजयोनिर्जनार्दन:।। यो रुद्र: स स्वयं ब्रह्मा यो ब्रह्मा स हुताशन:। ब्रह्मविष्णुमयो रुद्र अग्नीषोमात्मकं जगत्।। Meaning: Rudra is Brahma, Vishnu. Yes, all the deities are Rudransha and everything is originated from Rudra. Rudra is the divine form and he is the Swayambhu. That is, Shiva is Brahma, Brahma is Shiva, Shiva is Bishnu and Bishnu is Shiva. He […]
Day: September 13, 2020
Cow Slaughter Completely Banned In Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan Buddhists got the work done which the Hindus of India in the present day didn’t. In the democratic country the government does what the people want. On the demand of Sri Lankan Buddhist organizations, the Sri Lankan government has banned cow slaughter in the whole country, this ban has not been imposed on the demand of Sri Lanka Hindus but of Sri […]
Today’s Horoscope. 13 September 2020
Today’s Horoscope. 28 Bhadra 2077. 13 September 2020 Aries The relatives will be separated, the help and support of the well-wishers will not be available. It will be sad to be the victim of criticism even while working for the people in politics and social service. When traveling or using a vehicle, be aware that time is of the essence. Distrust in love will […]
Thousand years old reclining Vishnu Ji’s statue with Shiva Linga.
A single sandstone rock-carved statue in which we can see that Lord Vishnu, Seven hooded Serpent King Sheshnaag and Shiva linga. It is a famous 12m long reclining staue of Lord Vishnu present inside the Tala zone of Bandhavgarh. In 10th century, this statue was carved out during Kalchuri ruler Yuvrajdev reign. Before Baghel, this region was under rule of Kalchuri dynasty. There is […]