Here’s the tips to grow your business fast.
According to Vaastu Shastra, it is not profitable to keep an object at home or in a place of business. If you have these 6 items in your home or place of business, remove them immediately. lKeeping these things at home can never get rid of financial problems. Every day is surrounded by some problem. Let’s find out what these 6 things are.
1) Statue of Nataraja: In the idol of Nataraja, Lord Shiva is seen in the form of Tandava dance. Which is considered an indicator of destruction. So it is considered inauspicious to keep it at home.
2) Picture of the Taj Mahal: The Taj Mahal is beautiful as well as a tomb. The Taj Mahal is associated with death so its image or symbol should not be kept in the house.
3) Sinking ship: Any object that is about to sink in water is considered inauspicious according to Vastushastra. Instead of enhancing the beauty of your home, the image of a watercraft can be reduced. Financial problems can arise, so keep a picture or symbol of the ship at home.
4) Wild animals: Under the pretext of decorating the house, we keep a picture of a ferocious wild animal. When a picture of such an animal is placed in the house, the nature of man is also the same.
5) Mahabharata and scriptures: Mahabharata is a revered scripture. But keeping it at home is considered inauspicious. This is the story of a family quarrel. Keeping it at home increases the tension and stress in the house.
6) Chariots with conch shells: Chariots are used in warfare, while conch shells are played at the beginning of the war. So these two things should not be put together. It causes unrest in the home.
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