Indore police have arre’sted five comedians on charges of insulting Hindu deities. According to The Indian Express, they were arr’ested following a complaint by Hindutva leader Eklavya Laxman Singh. Comedian Munawar Faruqui, Edwin Anthony, Prakhar Vyas, Priyam Vyas and Nalin Yadav were taken to court on Saturday. There they were even beaten.
The incident took place four days after communal riots b’roke out in Mandsaur, Ujjain and Indore. According to police, the videos of the five comedians were presented as evidence. Police said, “The comedian has made offe’nsive remarks in the video.” Anurag Dwari has tweeted the video of the beating of a friend who came to meet him.
Indore police have arre’sted five comedians on charges of insulting Hindu deities. According to The Indian Express, they were arr’ested following a complaint by Hindutva leader Eklavya Laxman Singh. Comedian Munawar Faruqui, Edwin Anthony, Prakhar Vyas, Priyam Vyas and Nalin Yadav were taken to court on Saturday. There they were even beaten.
The incident took place four days after communal riots b’roke out in Mandsaur, Ujjain and Indore. According to police, the videos of the five comedians were presented as evidence. Police said, “The comedian has made offe’nsive remarks in the video.” Anurag Dwari has tweeted the video of the beating of a friend who came to meet him.