Today is Baishak Shukla Tritiya called also Akshay Tritiya. This day is celebrated by eating barley flour and their product. according to our culture and imitation of ancestors on these days, if we worship Lord Vishnu and goddess Lakshmi, we get goods and positive vibes on us. with good results. Our ancestors and experts say that In this hottest summer season This Akshaya Tritiya […]
Day: May 14, 2021
People of these 3 zodiac signs are born with leadership qualities.
There are some people in the country who do not need to be identified. Due to his special qualities, he maintains his identity even in the crowd of thousands. According to astrologer Sunil Sharma, by his own strength, one becomes a good politician and a leader of high position in the public or private sector. Due to which they become a separate identity in […]
What to eat after fasting, what not to eat?
Fasting at least one day a week is also considered good for health. However, after fasting, people get sick by eating more things that should not be eaten. It is said that after fasting for a whole day, one should not eat food in the evening on the day of fasting. However, eating fruits and liquids is a religious exemption. Plenty of water, fruits, […]
Akshay Tritiya: Do this to increase immunity.
LSD: Akshay Tritiya, which is celebrated every year on the day of Vaishakhshukla Tritiya, is being celebrated today by donating Satu and Sarvat. According to the classical law, one gets up early today morning to cover the house, take a bath and prepare the worship material. Diyo, Kalash, and Ganesha are worshiped by placing a copper plate with Ashta Dal inscription on the Kalash […]
If you fall into these four zodiac signs, it is assumed that the door of destiny is opening
Of course, there is no substitute for working hard to make a fortune. But for some zodiac signs, it is possible to become rich by luck. Some call it luck. Out of the total 12 zodiac signs, 4 zodiac signs help a person to become rich by their luck. Astrologers say that a person of the following 4 zodiac signs can earn a lot […]