Today is Baishak Shukla Tritiya called also Akshay Tritiya. This day is celebrated by eating barley flour and their product. according to our culture and imitation of ancestors on these days, if we worship Lord Vishnu and goddess Lakshmi, we get goods and positive vibes on us. with good results.
Our ancestors and experts say that In this hottest summer season This Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated by eating bearly flour serving with water or fresh juice to make our organs cool and healthy. And after more we can get the taste of bearly flour more tasteful and dite full we can mix up with cardamom, badam, sakhar, ghee, pipal, honey, sweet melons, etc.
If we dissolve this food with water we found more sweetness and odourful solution. The grains used to make the mixture Can be easily germinated. And the main thing is this food is more conceivable to the scientific and Sanatan culture. And easily accepted by modern science.
This shows the celebration of this culture from our ancient era has greater value. Today is the day of the marriage anniversary of lord shiva- Parvati. So this day is morely known as the pure time of all. If we donated something today or started to do something, we have great success and blessings.
The head of the Panchanga judging committee proffers dr. Ram Chandra Gautam, says more on this,” this day is more special to the people of the Hindu community. They celebrated this day by giving more priority than other festivals.”
He added Treta era has started on the third day of Baisakh. On this day Lord Parasurama was born. Therefore, this day is also celebrated as Parashuram Jayanti.
God Parashuram is considered as the true follower of the patriarchy. According to the Shreemad Bhagavad Gita, everything in the world is perishable and has limited time on this nature but Parasurama was such a great character who was undefeated by the d’eath. and become immemorial.
Even though he was born in a Brahmin family, he is called Bhargava because of his regional nature and his powerless like Kshatriya dharma palan. Bhishma, Drona, and Karna, the extraordinary warriors of the Mahabharata war whom we have heard are the disciple’s child and pathfinder of Parasurama.
According to astrological science, Akshaya Tritiya days, the moon, and the sun stay in their highest sign. Therefore, any good deed can be done on this day without looking at the calendar and Panchanga. According to the scriptures, this day is pure and axiom.
This day is believed to be the best for marriage, house entry, taking office, buying gold, buying new goods, buying vehicles, land worship, and startup the new business.